Clear Business Logs

Date Event DSL Status Phone Status
13/12/24 Clear Business router installed. Changed DSL cable and filter. OFF OFF
16/12/2024 Called Clear Business. Fault reported OFF OFF

After some work Internet started working 67 Mbps but no phone. OK OFF

Arranged for Openreach engineer visit.

Router rebooted twice during day. 1-24 hours OFF
17/12/2024 Openreach engineer visit. 1-24 hours OFF

No wiring fault found, reported 'crossed connection somewhere on a server' causing phone not to work. After a call the phone started working. Engineer suspected router causing intermittent operation. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
<18/12/2024 Offline. OFF OFF

Router rebooted twice during day. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
19/12/2024 Called Clear Business requested replacement router but the engineer explained this would have to be paid for. I terminated the call. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
19/12/2024 10:40 2nd call to Clear Business, spoke to 'Nick' who credited the account with £50 to cover a replacement router and organised a router for despatch 1-24 hours Unknown duration
multiple dates Every day router rebooted multiple times 1-24 hours Unknown duration
21/12/24 5:30 Phone cut off during conversation, back on 6:30 1-24 hours Unknown duration
22/12/24 No phone. Back on 1:00 am OK Unknown duration
23/12/24 Phone cut off during conversation after 7 mins. The Internet came back on then went off all evening OK Unknown duration
24/12/24 Phone OK all day, OFF all evening OK Unknown duration
25/12/24 Phone off all day 1-24 hours SLOW 45Mbps OFF
26/12/24 OFF then OK after reboot. No Phone in evening. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
27/12/24 OFF then OK after reboot. Then OFF 11:00. 21:00 OK after reboot. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
28/12/24 OFF then 145:15 OK after reboot. OFF 16:15 1-24 hours Unknown duration
30/12/24 Called Clear Business to check progress on replacement router.The Router had not been despatched. Replacement organised a second time. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
7/1/25 Replacement router arrived 1-24 hours Unknown duration
8/1/25 Replacement router installed. 45 Mbps 1-24 hours OFF
9/1/25 Called Clear Business, spoke to Mario. Status reported. Mario configured router to enable phone. I pointed out that the bit rate had dropped from 67 to 45 Mbps and the connection was still intermittent. He said the bitrate would improve and explained that we would need to check cables and filter before anything else could be done even though the cables had been changed twice and the filter once. Since I'm located 130 miles from the premises, I'll have to arrange local assistance for the cable checks. Router rebooted twice during day 1-24 hours Unknown duration
10/1/25 Router rebooted twice during day. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
11/1/25 Router rebooted multiple times during the day. Still 45 Mbps 1-24 hours Unknown duration
12/1/25 Router rebooted multiple times during the day. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
13/1/25 Router rebooted multiple times during the day. 1-24 hours Unknown duration
14/1/25 Arranged for a friend 'Richard' to go to site to check cables etc. Called Clear Business and spoke to Tho (not sure of the name). Explained the situation and she called Richard directly.
They changed Router power supply, the DSL cable and the Filter. Speed was still slow and Theo said she would call Openreach and monitor the situation. The phone stopped working after 1 hour but the Internet remained online throughout the night.
WORKING SLOW 32Mbps 1 hour
15/1/25 Lawrence called from Clear Business. He told me that Openreach had checked the line but he was unable to interpret their response. I told him of the low speed and phone line being off and making pulsing noises. He asked me to change the phone, but as I'm not on the premises this would have to wait until next week. WORKING SLOW 32Mbps OFF
16/1/25 WORKING SLOW 32Mbps OFF
17/1/25 WORKING SLOW 32Mbps OFF
18/1/25 Offline. Rebooted. 12-24 hours SLOW 32Mbps OFF
19/1/25 WORKING SLOW 32Mbps OFF
20/1/25 WORKING SLOW 32Mbps OFF